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Come join in! LAA needs volunteers throughout the year. Whether you are new to the group or a long-standing member who has expertise to share, we appreciate your contribution.
We’re always looking for volunteers with interests and skills in community outreach, fundraising, running or hanging shows, writing articles, and more.
Our hard-working Publicity Chair has more work than one person can do. In particular, we need folks who can distribute show flyers around the area and computer-savvy folks who can put listings on the various event calendars.
There are many grants available to organizations such as ours, and often they are not particularly difficult to get. The main problems are finding out about the grants and writing the applications. These can be challenging tasks, but they can also be very interesting, and, obviously, rewarding. The LAA board has decided that grant writing is an important enough function that it is worthwhile to create a position dedicated to securing grants for the organization. If you think that you might be interested in taking on this job, please contact Christine at
The PAL/LAA/DAC Tech Group is reaching out to members who might have an interest in leading an art interest group via Zoom. It could be in any media, or any subject. The Tech Group is happy to help with any/all technical aspects. All you need to do is come up with the idea, set a schedule, and lead the group. Your group will be featured on all three websites and social media outlets. Let’s get a few groups going! For more information, please contact Lorraine Wells at
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